The government of Malaysia and its agencies are our clients

malaysian army

The Malaysian Army, known as the "Tentera Darat Malaysia" in Malay, is the ground-based branch of the Malaysian Armed Forces. Established in 1933, the Malaysian Army plays a vital role in safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Malaysia. Its primary responsibilities include defending the country from external threats, maintaining internal security, and providing assistance in times of natural disasters or emergencies.

Overall, the Malaysian Army is a professional and capable military force dedicated to safeguarding Malaysia's interests and contributing to regional stability and security.


The Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), known as "Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia" (TUDM) in Malay, is the aerial branch of the Malaysian Armed Forces. Established in 1958, the RMAF plays a crucial role in ensuring Malaysia's airspace security, conducting aerial operations, and supporting national defense efforts.

The RMAF's mission includes air defense, air surveillance, aerial reconnaissance, air support for ground forces, transport and logistics operations, search and rescue missions, and disaster relief efforts. The RMAF operates a diverse fleet of aircraft, including fighter jets, transport aircraft, helicopters, trainers, and utility aircraft.


The Royal Malaysian Customs Department (Malay: Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia) is the government agency responsible for managing customs, excise, and trade-related matters in Malaysia. Established in 1957, the department plays a crucial role in facilitating international trade, enforcing customs regulations, and collecting duties and taxes on imported and exported goods.

The Royal Malaysian Customs Department operates under the Ministry of Finance and collaborates with other government agencies, such as the Royal Malaysian Police, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Transport, to safeguard Malaysia's borders, facilitate trade, and combat illicit trade activities.


The Royal Malaysia Police (RMP), commonly known as Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) in Malay, is the primary law enforcement agency in Malaysia. Established in 1807 during British colonial rule, the RMP is responsible for maintaining public order, preventing and investigating crime, enforcing laws, and ensuring the safety and security of citizens and residents in Malaysia. 

The Royal Malaysia Police operates under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Home Affairs and works closely with other government agencies, including the Immigration Department, Customs Department, and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), to uphold the rule of law and ensure public safety and security.